The Magic Classroom

The Magic Classroom is a gathering place for those who want to learn and share magic and other enterrtainment arts.



Is it just me or.... 3 Replies

Started by Ed Bedrick in Sample Title. Last reply by Jim Stott Jul 1.

How I got the Magic bug 6 Replies

Started by Ronnie L. Weeks in Uncategorized. Last reply by Aragorn The Mage Jun 28.

patter 35 Replies

Started by Anna Bedard in Sample Title. Last reply by Jim Stott Jun 1.

Getting the magic bug 2 Replies

Started by Mark Clayton in Uncategorized. Last reply by James Short Mar 9.

Sight Gags and M.C. Bits 3 Replies

Started by John Hutsebaut in Sample Title. Last reply by John Hutsebaut Mar 9.

Blog Posts

Items to be added to my repertoire

I'm working on two effects these days: "The Trick That Cannot Be Explained" a la Eugene Burger, and "Kismet Connection" in Ted Lesley's Paramiracles.

Posted by James Short on April 14, 2024 at 11:00am — 1 Comment

Arkansas Magic Convention

I was just at the Arkansas Cavalcade of Magic and I had a great time, plus I picked up a few neat goodies. My first purchase was a Tommy Wonder take on Wild Card called "The Tamed Cards". It came with a DVD and preassembled props. At an auction I got Harry Robson's Worker's Dream wallet at less than half the retail value. And finally I picked up "Challenge Name-A Card" by Mark Strivings.

I have a few takeaways from the convention:

  • The hotel was nice. The room was clean…

Posted by James Short on March 29, 2024 at 7:30am — 1 Comment

Looking for Illusionists for a viral video idea based on a TikTok Trend

Hello Everyone, 

I am looking for illusionists, magicians and assistants (hate using that term, I prefer stage partners) to help design a video to go viral. On Tiktok, there's a trend where people are saying "I'm (we're) a ____________, of course I (we) ____________". I have a couple of these for "I'm a magician, of course I ________________", so I want to get a bunch of magicians and illusionists to video one illusion or trick each and have them say the line. I want to put…


Posted by Vinnie Spano on March 8, 2024 at 4:11pm — 3 Comments

New routine

While trying (and failing) to nap, a routine popped into my head. It's going to be called Thinking Traps, and will deal with beliefs, confirmation bias, and cognitive dissonance.

Stay tuned for further developments.

Posted by James Short on February 21, 2024 at 1:54pm — 1 Comment

Free magic resources I like

  • Vanish Magazine
  • Imagine Magazine
  • Michael Close newsletter
  • Denis Behr's Conjuring Archive
  • Knowledge Base and TLPP effects at

Posted by James Short on February 3, 2024 at 11:35am — 3 Comments

A nice routine from the December Linking Ring

In the December Linking Ring there is a great, easy-to-do routine in Mike Powers' column "The Card Corner". It's called "Leader-hosen" by Gary Ward. I love the ending particularly.

I adapted the middle Oil and Water phase to an effect I already do. Mr. Ward's ending plays particularly well in the script I already had for my routine.

Posted by James Short on January 20, 2024 at 12:05pm — 1 Comment


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By working and learning together, we can make the magic happen!

Grand illusions - Part 1! Watch and Enjoy!


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Wild About Harry Houdini

Anna Thurlow speaking at Lily Dale, July 27

Our friend, Anna Thurlow, the great-granddaughter of Mina Crandon, aka "Margery," will be speaking at Lily Dale's 10th Annual Symposium tomorrow, July 27. What a perfect way to mark the 100th anniversary of the Margery seances!You can get more information at the Lily Dale website.Can make it to Lily Dale? Know that Anna will also be a special guest at this year's NEMCA Yankee Gathering, Nov.

100 years ago on Lime Street

Today marks the 100th Anniversary of the first seance Houdini and the Scientific American committee had with Mina Crandon, aka "Margery," on July 23, 1924. The seance was held at the Crandons home at No 10 Lime Street on Beacon Hill in Boston. Margery produced an assortment of unusual phenomena. After the seance, Houdini told his fellow committee members, "Well, gentlemen, I’ve got her. All fraud

Summer break

I'm going to give myself a short summer break to recharge my batteries, chamber some posts, and work on other projects. I won't let any breaking news slip past, and I will still be active on my Patreon. Otherwise, see you in a few weeks!Catch up on the WILD year so far:January (23 posts)February (20 posts)March (20 posts)April (20 posts)May (21 posts)June (19 posts)

Deconstructing Houdini '53: Look at those!

Continuing my scene-by-scene dissection of the 1953 biopic HOUDINI starring Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh. Last time, Houdini acquired a new assistant on the eve of his return to America. But will he find success in his homeland?Chapter 16: Look at those!Houdini returns to the United States. We know that via a stock establishing shot of the Statue of Liberty. This also tells us he has returned to

The Houdini Inheritance by Emma Carroll

Today sees the release of The Houdini Inheritance by Emma Carroll. Aimed at young readers, the book has a nice premise and a nice cover. This is one I'll be adding to my shelf of Houdini fiction.The English seaside, 1920s A world famous escape artist . . . A suitcase full of secrets . . . And a death-defying stunt . . . When Harry Houdini comes to visit the seaside town of Sidford-on-Sea, Glory


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    SAM Podcasts!

    25. Magic Saved My Life - Ryan Loyle

    We continue with another unusual story on how someone became a magician. Ryan Loyle hit rock bottom and saw no hope of getting out of it. The a bit of magical fate entered his life. Listen to this tale of hope and inspiration as host Bruce Kalver tells the tale.

    To learn more about The Society of American Magicians, go to

    Ryan Loyle's YouTube channel is: Loyle Magic


    24. Magic Saved My Life - Vee Sovann

    All magicians have a story on how they became a magician. We found someone who has an unusual story that will show you that the art of magic is truly magical. Vee Sovann tells how magic turned his life around in a very dramatic way. 

    To learn more about the Society of American Magicians, go to



    23. The Trivia of Magic Babylon

    This episode discusses the new magic trivia book Magic Babylon with it's author Joe Hernandez. You can find the book on

    Be sure to also check out the new S.A.M. history book at

    To learn more about The Society of American Magicians, go to


    22. Joe Givan's Halloween Disaster

    They thought they had a sure thing with a Halloween show that would bring in hundreds of people. They soon found out that luck was not on their side. Listen to a funny tale of a time when things didn't turn out the way they expected. Guest Joe Givan of Theater of Dreams in Castle Rock Colorado tells the Story

    You can learn more about Theater of Dreams at

    Hosted by Bruce Kalver, Backstage S.A.M. is a production of The Society of American Magicians.

    To learn more about The Society of American Magicians. please visit

    21. The S.A.M. History Book

    Editor David Charvet discusses the new book Magic in America: The Story of the Society of American Magicians written by David Goodsell. Get the behind the scenes story of the making of this monumental publication.

    You can learn more about the book and how to order at

    Hosted by Bruce Kalver, Backstage S.A.M. is a production of The Society of American Magicians.

    To learn more about The Society of American Magicians. please visit



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